Friday, August 29, 2008

..:Efficiency, Discipline, Study, Relaxation:..

Everyone has the same 1440 minutes to work with each day-no more and no fewer. The management of those minutes is what's important. They fly by more swiftly than an eagle. You sit down to watch a few minutes of television, and suddenly an hour or two passes. The same thing happens when you play computer games. Minutes turn into hours before you know it.
Learning how to efficiently manage your time is one of the most important skills you will ever develop. Time must be controlled, or it will control you. Use a daily planner or a handheld computer to map out your minutes.
Spend some of your minutes in planning. What goals do you want to reach today? Make a list. Then learnt how exciting it is to cross an activity off your list after you've accomplished it. Spend some of your time in quiet reflection. Take the time to reflect on your day.
Learn to conquer your minutes, and you'll have hours to spare.

{Real time management is self-management}

With a "crack", the ball hit the baseball bat and went sailing into the air toward centre field. It seemed lik it almost left the earth's atmosphere. Freddie ran back as fast as he could and positioned himself right underneath it. The ball came down fast. Then it hit the tip of his glove and fell to the ground. Angry about his error, Freddin grabbed the ball and, out of frustration, turned and threw it as hard as he could. The ball went flying over the third baseman's head and rolled out into the parking lot. Because he acted quickly and was out of control, Freddie turned in the wrong direction. If he had controlled his anger, he would have known where he was throwing.
Life is filled with frustration moments. How you discipline yourself to react to them makes all the difference. If you react quickly and out of anger, you will probably "throw in the wrong direction".
Take time to think about the problem, and think about your reaction. You'll make fewer errors.

{Raised voices lower esteem. Hot tempers cool friendships. Loose tongues stretch truth. Swelled heads shrink influence. Sharp words dull respect.}

Has your closet ever been so full that you had to just start cramming things in to make everything fit? What usually happens when you open the door the next day? Everything falls out, right? Or have you ever jammed so many clothes into a drawer that you couldn't get it shut?
Imagine that your brain is a drawer or closet. Cramming a bunch of facts into it the night before a big exam may get you a passing grade once in a while-but usually everything falls out, even before you get to the classroom.
If you want to do well on your tests, establish a study routine. Choose a time and place where you regularly open the books. Studying regularly is a lot better than studying frantically. Store facts in your brain a little at a time. It's just like storing information in files on the hard drive of your computer. If you store them properly, they're easier to find later.
If you put too much on your mind's hard drive, you're in for a cash.

{I have found that the harder I work, the luckier I seem to be!}

You live in a over-stimulated society. You rush from school to practice, to a job, to homework, and then to the mall for a soft drink-all in the same afternoon. All of the things you're involved in may be great, but sometimes you just need to push the "pause" button. You need to stop and smell the popcorn. You need to chill out once in a while.
Your body needs it. You teen years are times of accelerated growth. Your body is in high gear, and it's going through tremendous changes. Once in a while you need to stop long enough for your legs to keep up with your arms! Times of relaxation allow your cells to regroup and rest for the work ahead.
Your mind needs it too. Sometimes it's on overload. Homework, scripts, songs, plays, PIN numbers, cell phone numbers-you have a lot to think about. Sometimes you just need to stop thinking. Relax. Put your mind in neutral. It has a long trip ahead of it.

Enjoy your life, you only have one!

{God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it, or use it for good, but what I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it}

This is one of the article that my teacher gave me during my secondary school time. It is really meaningful and we can try to apply it in our daily life. I think the results will not be so bad if we try it.^^

1 comment:

fakhruddin said...

It really helps for
students like us...
I love the article...
And you know what?
I got this article when I was
in secondary school also
and now I put the hand-outs
at the wall...
I read it everyday before going
to class because I paste
the article at my cabinet in kitchen...
so you're late!!